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 Celebrating Over 100+ Years of Excellencey 

Learn All About Wells in Sutton and Northern Toronto Area

For quality well construction in Sutton and the Northern Toronto Area, get in touch with Roger Boadway Enterprises. We provide services for wells and pumps. You can go through the below piece of information to know more about private well systems, and more.


All About Wells

Water is a necessity that we take for granted. You have to be without it to realize its importance. If you need water, you should invest in a clean, safe lifetime supply with consistently good pressure.

Your own private well system can be one of the safest, most abundant source of water in the world today. As communities grow closer together, and domestic and industrial demands for water increase, there is a greater threat of pollution to surface water areas. Rivers, lakes, and reservoirs are open to all kinds of contamination, some of which are practically impossible to remove, even by a filter plant. But your own well, properly cased and located in an underground formation of water, bearing sand that filters and purifies, can give you safe water in the quantities you need for years to come.

A contractor cannot always determine in advance the depth at which an adequate water supply will be found. Wells in neighbouring areas offer some guidance, but no definite assurance.

Choosing a Site

As well drilling is expensive and many well failures are indirectly caused by poor site location, care should be taken in choosing a site for a well. For example, a well may become contaminated because it is located too close to a source of pollution such as a septic tank. The following minimum distances are recommended for the spacing between any well and a potential source. Dug well is a minimum 100 ft. and a drilled well should be a minimum of 50 ft. from any contamination source.

Property owners often drill or bore wells before construction begins for a house. This is an excellent idea, for if a satisfactory water supply cannot be found, they are able to change building plans. A well should not be located in any area (e.g. basement, below a paved driveway, under power lines, or under the eaves of a building) where it is extremely difficult to maintain the well or to remove the pump for repairs.



A well screen is a pipe-shaped device, usually commercially manufactured, having small openings that permit the easy entry of water into the well while keeping out the fine-grained materials. Fine-grained material can plug the plumbing fixtures and cause excessive wear of the pump. A proper screen will allow water to enter the well with minimum resistance, thus increasing the well's effectiveness and yield.

The size of the opening in the screen depends on the size of the sand and gravel particles. The slot openings are sized so that about 60 percent of the finer materials surrounding the screen can be kept out during development. The remaining 40 percent of the coarser sand or gravel will form a natural filter around the screen. The slot number of the screen represents the width of the opening in thousands of an inch. For example, No. 6 slot means that the width of the slot is six one thousands (0.006) of an inch.

For assistance in the installation or maintenance of your well, please call Roger Boadway Enterprises today!

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